For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

Feel the (pilates) love

Are you feeling the love? Is it time to start feeling how well our bodies work for us? If you’re struggling to feel the love then Plym Pilates is for you.

All the Valentines banter aside many of us struggle to appreciate how amazing the human body is and how powerful the brain is at changing us. In good ways as well as bad. This is where Plym Pilates comes into its own. Our classes are led by experienced physiotherapists with in depth knowledge of movement and patterning that brings together the physical and mental aspects of wellbeing and movement. There is a well known saying in the physio world: ‘issues in the tissues, pain in the brain’.

By changing your body you can change your pain and by changing your thinking you can change your movement choices. We know this all sounds a ‘bit Totnessy’ and flowery but it is true and well researched that positive mindset and understanding messages from your body can change your pain experience and help you on your way to a more active life. So you can think yourself and move yourself well. Learn to love yourself again!

Here’s a video from Nic explaining this a bit more.

Here are a couple of top tips to help you ‘connect’ to your body.

We are offering a half price Pilates assessment and a 10% discount off your first block of classes.


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Got a question? Want to know more about our treatments and classes? Or need to discuss a pain that you just can't get to go away?

Our team are ready to chat to you today to work out the best plan of action to get you back to full strength and fitness.

01752 656340

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