For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

Who Can HELP ME!!

Nic set up Plym Physio in 2016 having spent almost 20 years in the NHS and private practice. As a teenager she was a diver in the GB squad and having been a keen marathon runner since has always maintained a fascination in sports injuries.

Her breadth of knowledge and experience has developed over the years, especially with her work as Physio to British Diving which has led her to explore in detail the concept of ‘movement efficiency’.

Nic has always worked hard to ensure that she delivers a complete care package for her patients; from providing relief from an acute injury or low back pain through to full return to sport or activity.

This range of care is rarely available through the NHS or in the private Physio clinics in Plymouth. This is what triggered the birth of Plym Physio with its purpose-built clinic facilities including treatment rooms and bespoke gym space which holds an increasing number of pilates and rehabilitation classes.

She really wants to help everyone, so never mind if its a new ankle sprain or lifelong back pain, if you want to return to the football pitch or just walk more comfortably down to the shops. She loves picking apart ‘movement patterns’ and putting in place treatment strategies and rehab programmes to allow people to maximise their movement potential – allow them to do more for less pain or……… to quote the clinic vision; help you to help yourself.


Talk to our friendly team

Got a question? Want to know more about our treatments and classes? Or need to discuss a pain that you just can't get to go away?

Our team are ready to chat to you today to work out the best plan of action to get you back to full strength and fitness.

01752 656340

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