For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

7 ways to improve your running technique and reduce injury…

“If exercise were a pill, it would be one of the most cost-effective drugs ever invented,” says Dr Nick Cavill, a health promotion consultant.
….and here at Plym Physio our Physios are all avid Plymouth runners!!

Benefits of running

It’s now universally accepted that running is not bad for us, in fact along with other forms of physical activity it’s heavily promoted for its health benefits such as:

  • reduction of blood pressure
  • regulation of blood sugar levels
  • weight loss/management
  • increased bone health/density
  • improved mental health
  • cancer risk reduction….to name but a few!

Why have we developed Physi-go run?

Running is one of the few sports people take up and never seek professional help to learn a proper technique………and its relatively injury-prone – 79% of runners will pick up an injury. Physi-go run will help you reduce this likelihood.

Plym Physio and Physi-go run have put together 7 Top Tips with videos to demonstrate simple changes you can make that will improve your running efficacy and prevent injuries:

1 Posture

Back to basics. People have been running upright since they first stood up on two legs so you’d think it would be a natural instinct to have an effective posture for running… but it isn’t. Many factors influence how we position our bodies while we run; injuries, incorrect advice or simply tiredness. One simple and effective tip to improve your running is to look at your running posture as Nicola explains in this short video. Click on the photo to watch.




2 Squat

Strength and stability is vital for runners, not only to improve your overall run efficiency but also for preventing injuries by building up strength. Squats are one of the vital exercises you should be doing as part of your run training. However, it is also one of the most incorrectly performed exercises there is! In this video Physiotherapist Nicola demonstrates how to squat effectively, and shows you how to use aids if you cannot quite get there! Click on the photo to watch.




3 Calf raise

One of the most searched for terms in relation to running is ‘calf pain while running’. You have probably experienced it yourself and perhaps even concluded it’s just a part of running itself. But it doesn’t have to be. By strengthening this large group of  muscles including the gastrocnemius, you can relieve and prevent pain. In this video, Nicola demonstrates the correct technique to exercise and strengthen your calf muscle. Click on the photo to watch.




4 Squat jump

Yes, it’s those squats again… the squat jump is a versatile exercise which can produce various benefits. Not only does it build strength but also provides plyometric training. When you land from a jump, the muscles stretch, which gives you more power for the next jump, in which your muscles then contract. It’s a great way to condition those muscles for the stretching and contracting during the running process. In this video Nicola demonstrates the correct technique of this versatile movement. Click on the photo to watch.




5 Lunge

The ‘lunge’ targets many areas of the body, particularly the quads and gluteals, but also hamstrings, calf muscles as well as your core. It is great for stability, strengthening and flexibility too. However, like the squat it is often performed incorrectly. To see how to correctly perform this useful move, watch as Nicola demonstrates the proper technique. Click on the photo to watch.




6 Cadence

What is cadence? Running cadence is often defined as the total number of steps you take per minute. But why is that important? Cadence, combined with stride length, is what determines your speed, so to get faster you either increase your cadence (your stride rate) or your stride length. It is important not to ‘over-stride’ as this can cause injuries, therefore determining and improving your cadence will help your run efficiently. In this video, Nicola discusses why cadence is important for runners. Click on the photo to watch.




7 Running technique

Our final tip is your running technique. Just like in our first tip where we looked at posture, technique doesn’t just come naturally! In this short video, Nicola looks at a few elements of your ‘run’ movement that you can consider while you run, and easily put into practice on your own. Click on the photo to watch.




Want to know more?

If you want more help, advice and support as a runner the PGR programme looks at all of this and….

  • specific hip strengthening work
  • single leg strength
  • core strength
  • timing and patterning
  • posterior chain strength
  • plyometrics
  • functional running mobility exercises and running drills for technique.


The new class starts Wednesday 4th October 7-8pm in our clinic and costs £64 for 8 weeks.

And if you need another incentive to join us at Physi-go run we are offering a free entry to Plymouth’s Ocean City half marathon in May 2018 if you sign up and pay for 3 blocks of classes.



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Got a question? Want to know more about our treatments and classes? Or need to discuss a pain that you just can't get to go away?

Our team are ready to chat to you today to work out the best plan of action to get you back to full strength and fitness.

01752 656340

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