For physiotherapy by highly qualified and caring physios in Plymouth

Ankle sprains

What are you all up to?? We seem to have had a flurry of ankles over the last few weeks in the clinic. From the classic ankle sprain to some broken metatarsals (long toe bone in English). After my experience last year I have (more) sympathy for anyone who has had one or similar injuries that result in the same disability. It can take months to get back to running and impact activities.

Some ankle sprains can look like (and even be) a broken bone so don’t underestimate what can go on down there and why it can take so long to get back to high impact and endurance type activities like running. So with that in mind what do you need to do if you sprain an ankle??

  • Could it be broken?? If you can’t put your full weight through your leg/foot, have real bony tenderness on the ankle bones or midfoot and pain is in the ankle then it may need an X-ray.
  • If you think it is ‘just’ a sprain then it is likely to be swollen and bruised so do try to keep mobile but it will need to have rest and usually feels less uncomfortable if you elevate it.
  • They tend to like support so if you have an ankle brace/strap or support, or can get one, it might be worth trying it.
  • Once you can weight bear through the foot then starting to get the ankle working gently does help promote healing of ligaments and surrounding tissues.
  • The ankle is a pretty important bit of your body (well ok, what isn’t…??) but it needs to be mobile, balanced, strong and reactive so doing some basic and in the early days, comfortable, exercises to promote these things is helpful in recovery.
  • Can you practice balancing on 1 foot, can you push up onto your toes, can you sink down through your knees. These are a couple of very basic tests and movements that we’d look at in your first session so worth having a go at yourself. Then comes the battery of tests to check ligaments, joints, muscles and tendons as well as balance reactions, timing, strength, impact and coordination tests for those that are a bit later in rehab or having longer standing issues post injury.

Here are a couple of videos of some exercises you might find helpful. The first is for early ankle sprains and the second for one has more advanced exercises.


If you think you’d benefit from coming to see us at the clinic please get in touch; phone 656340, email or book in online here for your physiotherapy assessment.


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